Podcasts I'm listening to


I’ve been listening to a few new podcasts lately so I thought I’d share what I’ve been listening to, I am still waiting for my favourite ever podcast (Adam Buxton) to return! I always love to have podcast recommendations and I thought it would be useful to know when to listen and what episode to start with to see how you get on.

Slow News by Tortoise Media

Great for digesting big news in a manageable way.

Why I like it: It’s easy to scroll through the news headlines and think you’re up to date with current affairs but Slow News really take the time to investigate important topics that can be sometimes be overwhelming.
Best episode to listen to:
Lebedev Lord of Siberia (This is the first one I started listening to after my brother sent it to me and after listening to Sweet Bobby by the same people)
When to listen to this-
When you’re working,I usually listen whilst I am packing orders or drawing so I can focus on the subject and have to time to reflect on the information.

Creative Peptalk, Andy J. Pizza
A really great podcast if you're feel wobbly as a creative, Andy J. Pizza holds your hand and tells you that you can do this 💜

Why I like it- I like Andy’s hyperbolic enthusiasm, it’s an energy that feels different from my approach to creativity.
Best episode to listen to-
353, How to push through the hard times, Remembering Adé Hogue
When to listen to this-
When you’re feeling stuck and you need a bit of encouragement. Listen while you take a break, with a coffee or tea, give yourself space away from work.

Desert island discs

I know this is an obvious one but for good reason! I started listening to this when I moved to London, it’s great to hear about inspiring people from all backgrounds showing you that life isn't always rosy and the idea of success is usually made up of many failures and forks in the road.

Why I like it- It’s a classic!
Best episode to listen to-
David Nott
When to listen to this-
Over lunch, some light admin work or on a run

Out of Ink, Anxious artists Bea Baranowska and Molly Lemon

Artists Bea and Molly chat about life as artists/small business owners

Why I like it- It feels like I’m part of a chat between two friends. They are both in very similar fields to me and at a similar stage of life so I like how relatable it is. I love their anxiety scale where they rate how anxious they are feeling based on random things. The scale changes every week so one week it could be best to worst sandwiches or my favourite; best to worst jacket potato fillings.
Best episode to listen to-
start from the beginning to get to know Bea and Molly
When to listen to this-
On a walk to the post office, whilst packing orders

Clever, Amy Devers
Great conversations with individuals from various creative industries

Why I like it- Sometimes it’s easy to focus on the industry that you’re in so it’s nice to hear about other creatives in different industries and the journey of how they got to where they are now.
Best episode to listen to-
Ep 163 with Jay Osgerby
When to listen to this-
I like to listen while I am drawing or it would be good for those with a long commute

Others that I listen to: Stuff you should know, How To Fail, The Guilty Feminist, Modern Love, You’re Dead to Me, Comfort Eating with Grace Dent



Have I missed any good ones? Let me know, I always love to try new podcasts!