
If you follow me over on instagram you’ll likely have seen my monthly comics about my retired racing greyhound Albert. They started as weekly comics in the 2020 lockdowns (hence #albertsweek!) and now they are back every month.

They focus on the quirks of having a dog, the weird little things that make Albert special and hopefully they are enlightening to what it’s like having a greyhound who had a life before he came to us.

This week is about Albert’s love of sniffing EVERYTHING but particularly grass. We could be there hours as he sniffs the same patch and whilst it can be annoying if we’re trying to get somewhere in a rush it makes me so happy that he does it. When we first got him he was never fully relaxed enough to sniff - he would be too distracted and scared by everything around him. It took him almost a year to sniff to the extreme he does now and it’s another reminder of how far he’s come in 2 years.

What a handsome dog!

Whenever I take Albert for a walk and pass someone who says “what a handsome dog!” or “That dog is beautiful” I can’t help but feel so proud!

We’ve been really working on getting his weight up and giving him a good diet which suddenly seems to have taken effect. His coat is healthier and his special dry skin baths have helped with his (terrible) dandruff. Although he has always been a handsome boy the weight gain and shiny coat mean that he is looking extra regal.

He still has baldy thighs, I’ve been adding oats to his breakfast which some greyhound owners have claimed help. There’s a slight fuzz growing back but I’m not holding out much hope for total regrowth, it doesn’t seem to bother him and as long as he is happy that’s the main thing.

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When someone calls my dog handsome.jpg